Date: September 18, 2018
Time: Registration and buffet breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m.
(Presentation from 8:30 to 9:30 AM)
Location: Radisson Hotel Winnipeg Downtown

Topic: Pandemic Planning for Businesses

Presenter: Jennifer Chiarotto, Disaster Management Specialist, Office of Disaster Management – Manitoba Health

Join Jennifer as she provides background and guidance on current best practices in pandemic planning in Manitoba.  The presentation will provide an overview of how pandemic influenza emerges, potential impacts on health and society, actions that may be taken by health officials and employers during a pandemic, as well as some helpful tools and guidance to help employers develop their pandemic plans.  We will also look at the BOMA Canada Pandemic Planning Guide.

Each of our breakfasts are scheduled for 90 minutes in total, and feature experts who present on timely and relevant industry topics. All sessions are eligible for BOMI professional development credits.

Cost: $40 for BOMA members and guests
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