Each of our breakfasts are scheduled for 90 minutes in total, and feature experts who will present on a timely and relevant industry topic. All sessions are eligible for BOMI professional development credits.


Next Industry Breakfast:

Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Time: Registration and buffet breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m.
(Presentation from 8:30 to 10:00 AM)
Location: The MET (281 Donald Street)

Topic: Strategies for Managing a Diverse Workforce

Presenter: Manitoba Start

This session is an introduction to building awareness around culture and diversity in the workplace, in order to better manage today’s diverse workforce.  It explores the basic concepts from which to build an environment of acceptance and respect.


  • Discuss Manitoba’s immigration impact in the workforce
  • Examine culture values, perceptions and norms in the workplace
  • Discuss challenging aspects of working with a diverse staff
  • Take away strategies and techniques for a successful diverse work environment


Cost: $40 for BOMA members and guests

RSVP to Lise: lise@bomamanitoba.ca

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