Please join us for our next BOMA Industry Breakfast! 

Topic: Top 5 topics in Labour & Employment Law
Date: Tuesday December 10th, 2019
Time: Registration and buffet breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m.
(Presentation from 8:30 to 10:00 AM)
Location: The Metropolitan Entertainment Centre, 281 Donald Street

Presenter: Melissa Beaumont, Partner, Thompson Dorfman Sweatman

Topics covered in this session will include:
  • Cannabis One year after legalization
  • Sick Leave and the Employment Standards Code
  • Upcoming accessibility requirements for employers
  • Dealing with internal workplace harassment complaints
  • Human rights complaints – what are they and what to do if you get one.

Cost: $40 for BOMA members and guests

To register please email

Each of our breakfasts are scheduled for two hours in total, and feature subject matter experts who present on timely and relevant industry topics. All sessions are eligible for BOMI professional development credits.


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