Topic: Active Scenario Planning for Managers and Supervisors
Date: Tuesday February 25th, 2020
Time: Registration and buffet breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m.
(Presentation from 8:30 to 10:00 AM)
Location: Radisson Hotel, Winnipeg Downtown, 288 Portage Avenue
Presenter: Dale “Skip” Sklepowich, Fire Plan Strategies
The course will focus on teaching Managers and Supervisors how to prepare their staff for violent scenarios such as active shooters, bomb threats, suspicious packages, etc.
Dale Sklepowich has over twenty years of military experience where served as a conventional soldier and a Special Operations Assaulter. Dale participated in multiple foreign and domestic operational deployments including peace support and combat operations in the Global War On Terror. Dale is also an accredited law enforcement firearms instructor.
Cost: $40 for BOMA members and guests
To register please email