About the Building Operators & Engineers Group (BOEG)
BOMA’s Building Operators & Engineers Group (BOEG) provides learning and networking opportunities for building engineers, operations staff, and trades professionals employed by BOMA member companies.
BOMA’s mission is to create value for all members of the commercial and institutional building industry. We’re pleased to put together a dedicated offering for this group of building professionals, which includes regular breakfast meetings for our BOEG members to exchange ideas, share knowledge, hear from other industry experts, and participate in building site visits and classroom sessions in pursuit of professional designation and certificate programs.
Operations staff, power engineers and tradespeople are a critical part of the building management industry. We believe that our BOEG offering serves BOMA’s mission well, and moves us towards our vision of a prosperous and sustainable buildings industry in Manitoba.
Annual Group Membership Cost (Company)
$150 per year (for current BOMA member firms)
$200 per year (for new firms, outside of BOMA membership)
Please email Tom Thiessen to sign up today!
Next BOEG Meeting
Next BOEG Meeting is Thursday, February 6th. Find out more.
* Admission is limited to member firms of BOMA’s Building Operators & Engineers Group. If you have not yet signed up for membership and would like more information, please contact our office at (204) 777-2262 or email
Meetings are generally held monthly, with coffee and breakfast starting at 8:00 a.m. (we encourage you to arrive early!) and cost is $40 per attendee, per breakfast.
Each breakfast presentation begins at approximately 8:30 a.m., and is occasionally followed by a tour of the host building/physical plant, when feasible.