Annual General Meeting

Date: Friday, March 10th, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Avenue (Assiniboine ‘A’ meeting room)
The annual general meeting is held for the purposes of:
  • Reporting on the state of the association;
  • Presenting the financial statements of the association;
  • Appointing auditors for the coming year; and
  • Electing the association’s board of directors
The Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following slate of nominee directors for election to the board:
  1. Alex Akman (Shindico) incumbent
  2. Sheri Atchison (Accurate Drafting) incumbent
  3. Craig Doerksen (HSC Shared Health) incumbent
  4. Craig Dunsire (BentallGreenOak) incumbent
  5. Neil Fishman (JLL Outlet Collection)
  6. Sheri Griffiths (Colliers International) incumbent
  7. Lyndsay Jones (Artis REIT)
  8. John Marques (Bee-Clean Building Maintenance) incumbent
Please register in advance by emailing BOMA Executive Director Tom Thiessen (
Note that each member firm registered for the meeting is asked to appoint one voting delegate to exercise that member’s voting privileges.

Event Details

Where & when?

10 Mar 2023

10:00 am

350 St. Mary Avenue (Assiniboine 'A' Meeting Room)

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