Annual General Meeting

Please join us for our Virtual AGM

Date: Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
Virtual event hosted by Zoom
Time: 10:00 a.m.

The annual general meeting is held for the purposes of:
  • Reporting on the state of the association;
  • Presenting the most recent audited financial statements;
  • Appointing an auditing firm and financial institution for the coming year;
Please register in advance by emailing BOMA Executive Director Tom Thiessen (
Those registered will be provided with the AGM materials and a Zoom meeting link in advance of the meeting. Note that each member firm registered for the meeting is asked to appoint one voting delegate.

Event Details

Where & when?

14 Dec 2021to 14 Dec 2021

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Virtual event hosted by Zoom

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