Types of Membership


Principal membership in BOMA Manitoba is open to any organization actively engaged in the ownership, development and management of commercial real estate or institutionally owned real estate in the province of Manitoba and the territory of Nunavut.


Allied membership is open to organizations that supply goods, services, materials, equipment or systems, professional services or consulting services to the commercial real estate industry.

Building Operators and Engineers Group

Click here to learn more

Building Young Professionals Group

Click here to learn more

Membership Dues

Annual dues are invoiced each December for payment in January.

Principal and Allied Member Firms: $1,270 + GST and includes admission to all member luncheons held in any calendar year.

Additional Principal member representatives: $1,220 + GST. Additional Allied member representatives: $850 + GST. Additional member representatives are also provided access to all member luncheons held in any calendar year.

Allied Membership – Information for new applicants

Allied member firms must commit to a minimum of two years (at $1,270 per year) when applying for membership or a commitment of one year plus a prepaid advertising credit valued at $1250.

The advertising credit can be utilized for ad spaces in BOMA’s Commercial Building Directory, INSIDER Magazine, Membership Handbook, or for sponsorship at a BOMA member event (e.g. BOMA membership luncheon or Industry Breakfast).

As membership fees are prorated, if a company applies for membership in the first 6 months of the year, that prorated portion would be considered the company’s first year; the firm would be required to commit to one additional full year of membership (or $1,250 advertising).

If a firm applies for membership in the last half of the year (July to December) that would not count towards the first year; the member firm would be required to commit for 2 full years thereafter (or one full year plus $1,250 advertising).

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Building Directory

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Service Directory

If you’re looking for services – we encourage you to turn to a follow BOMA Manitoba member! We have it all from A to Z, to find what the service you’re needing and fast!

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